Wednesday, February 23, 2011

More Than Baby Blankets

In the Spotlight this week is Sisters Deanna and Marian from More then Baby Blankets. In their words:

"We love babies and kids and think they need more than just handmade blankets. They need handmade STUFF! Sleep sacks, carseat canopies, smocks, doll accessories, and places to put their stuff!"


CC: What inspired you to start your business?
Deanna: I started sewing a lot after my daughter was born and became sort of addicted to sewing so much so that I was sewing more things than I needed!  The best way to cure this problem seemed to start a little Etsy shop and post all my excess sewing projects there.  I love that I can sew all I want now and not be like "Oh, now what do I do with it?"  

Marian: I was asked by Deanna and since I LOVE sewing, this gave me a really good excuse to sew.

CC: How does the balance of family and work play out for you?

Deanna:   My daughter is 9 months old and still does best on 2 naps a day giving me at least almost 4 hours of me time.  That's when I get my sewing in.  The shop hasn't been too demanding so far, so it all goes pretty smoothly.  We are attending a Spring Market here soon though, so I have to start stocking up on things!
Marian:  Sewing is more of a hobby for me, not work.  And it's something that my two girls seem interested in...when they are older, I'll be able to teach them while I sew.

CC: Tell us what you envision and dream for the future of your business?
We don't really have any big dreams for this yet.  We are not looking for full time work besides our kids, so this is just a side venture to bring us some "Play Money".  I'd love to get busy enough and big enough that we can keep ourselves sewing without the stress of multiple demands.


CC: Tell us about some new products you are excited about?
Deanna:    I am working on some super cute little animal teething toys right now.  I hope to have them in the shop soon.  Honestly, I get excited about everything I make. I keep dreaming up all these new things I could make and then when I post them all in the shop I think our shop looks so disorganized!  It's all kids stuff though, so I guess that makes it a one-stop-shop kind of place.

Marian: From our own?  I love all our products.  The doll sets are really neat and they are something you can't just buy in a store.  In fact all of our products are things you can't     just buy in any old store.  And I love the fact the all of our products are homemade and thus will last a long time.  They have the guarantee of longitivity that you don't     get with store bought products.

CC: What's your favourite part of your job?
Deanna: Fabric shopping and dreaming up how to use it all!  I love fabric and I love creating and my job lets me do both while still doing my mommy job, staying home with my daughter.

Marian: Sewing of course...and seeing the end product.  I love sewing new things and finding out that I can actually make them well.  I also get very excited when one of our  products sells.

CC:  Do you have a favourite inspirational quote?

We don't really have a favourite quote, but we are definitely encouraged by reading in God's word that we must use our talents to the best of our abilities.  We see this as part of that.  We have a talent for creating useful things with fabric and so we are exploiting that talent and letting others benefit from it too.

You can find Marian and Deanna over at their shop More Than Baby Blankets:


Featured Items

Carseat Canopy's
Sleep Sack's

Watch Me Grow, Quilted Growth Chart's

Crayon Roll's
Made with a space for a paper pad

 Diaper Bag and  messenger bag's

Fleece Backed bibs.

Plush Crinkly Teether Toys

Doll accessory set's


Giveaway Closed

More Than Baby Blankets would like to offer one lucky reader a crayon roll. Winner get's to pick which current roll they'd like from More Than Baby Blankets shop!!
(Does not have to be the same as picture)

For a chance to win you must go "like" More Than Baby Blankets on Facebook. And let them know that Creatively Canadian sent you! Come back here and leave a comment on this blog post with your email address so we can contact you if you win.

It would also be nice if you followed Creatively Canadian here on the blog but its not mandatory.

I will use to choose a winner Tuesday March 1 12 noon atlantic time. Winner will be posted here on the blog and will be contacted by More than Baby Blankets.


More Than Baby Blankets would like to offer Creatively Canadian Fans a discount of 10% to their shop. Use code CCREADER10 at checkout.

Thank you so much Deanna and Marian from More Than Baby Blankets for being in the SpotLight.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Button Scraps Winner

True Random Number Generator 2 Powered by RANDOM.ORG

Kristina said...

I'm a fan. I would either go for a monkey blanket or a monkey tail.

Congratulations Kristina, please head on over to Button Scraps page and announce your self on her wall as the winner!!!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Button Scraps

Today in the Spotlight is Desiree from Button Scraps. In Desiree's words

"I am a WAHM of two wonderful boys and another baby on the way. I love sewing and crafts. Button Scraps is hand made baby items as well as scrapbooking items."
CC: How long have you been in business?
     Desiree: Aprox 2 years off and on
CC: What inspired you to start your business?
     Desiree: Having so much trouble finding cute boy stuff and Swaddle Recieving blankets big enough to swaddle my DS who loved to get swaddled for a good 6 months
CC: How does the balance of family and work play out for you?
     Desiree: Really easy right now, I sew in the evening when I feel inspired.
CC: Tell us what you envision and dream for the future of your business?
     Desiree: Share my love of my products with as many people as possible.  I only make things that I think are usefull and or I use.  I would love Button Scraps to be my spending money and substain it's self.  Right now it is mostly a hobby
CC: Do you have a favourite inspirational quote? 
     Desiree: Live Love Laugh and Learn...Don't miss the colours of the rainbow while looking for the pot of gold!  I have tons, I love inspirational quotes
You can find Desiree and her shop Button Scraps at
Featured Items
Monkey Blankets

Tie Blankets

Tag Toys

Gorilla Wraps

Monkey Legs

Soother Clips

Cloth Wipes

Monkey Tails


I had the opportunity to review a Monkey Blanket from Button Scraps. As soon as the package arrived my youngest child (1 yr old) took it as his. My three older children (8, 6 and 3 yr old) also love this blanket! It is the perfect size for infants and toddlers to snuggle with or have tagging along behind them! My youngest likes to use it to play hide & seek, peek a boo and to just cuddle with. Button Scraps has many fabric choices to choose from, we picked the John Deere Fleece. Very soft and comfy for a little one. Button Scraps places a variety of ribbons with different sizes, colors and textures which are great to help stimulate the mind. The craftsmanship of this blanket is very professional. Shipping was fast and communication with Desiree has been joyful. I highly recommend purchasing from this hard working WAHM!!!


Button Scraps would love to offer one of our readers a $5.00 gift certificate. All you have to do is head on over and "LIKE" Button Scraps on Facebook, take a look around her page and then come back here and post a comment letting me know what you would spend your $5.00 on.

Giveaway will close Feb 22 2011 Noon Atlantic time. Winner will be picked using

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Darling Dilemma Giveaway Winners

Drum roll please...............

The winner of this Necklace is......

Librarianess said...

Already a fan of Darling Dilemma! Such beautiful pieces! And I love the title of her shop -- so clever!

The winner of this bracelet and earrings is.......

Nicole Rice
Love your "Dead Leaves Extra Long Necklace" I found on etsy - lovely!!!!

Congratulations to both winners, please head on over to Darling Dilemma's page and announce your selves on her wall as the winners!!!

Emma has offered all of our readers a great discount at her Etsy shop
Use coupon code CCANADIAN to receive 10% off your entire order (sale items included).
Exp Feb 28 2011

Thank you Emma from Darling Dilemma for being this weeks in the Spotlight!!!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Darling Dilemma

In the Spotlight this week is Emma from Darling Dilemma. In Emma's words

"One person's dilemma is another person's delight."

Q & A
CC: How long have you been in business?

     Emma: 1 Year!! I actually just reached my one year etsy-versary & celebrated with sales & specials.
It was great fun & I've had the best year sharing what I do with the facebook & etsy universe!

CC: Is there a special place that inspires you?

     Emma: Definatly my new home of New Brunswick & especially Irving park with it's oceanshore & amazing forest trails! If you look at my photography & even my jewelry photos I think it is obvious. When the weather is good I often take my jewelry pieces outside with me & even over to Irving park to photograph them in nature.

CC: Do you have a favourite inspirational quote?

     Emma: I've always repeated a line from the Ani Difranco song,Out of Habit "Art is why I get up in the morning, but my definition ends there" but also on a blog the other day I read 'make with the fabulous'... I love that idea!

CC: What inspired you to start your business?

     Emma: Etsy itself! From the moment a friend recommended it in passing I was hooked! I almost instantly knew I wanted an etsy shop, I just need the time & the product. Life was chaotic then & I just stuck to shopping but eventually the time came & I dedicated my creativity &
energy to making it happen. One year later, here I am!

CC: What's coming up next for you and your business?

     Emma: Well my ultimate goal, or dream is to have my own store one day... but until that can happen I will continue to make, create & share it all! I have just started to make my own beads & incorporate them into my pieces, so you can expect to see more of that & see how that
progresses. I'm also starting to include my photography for sale & down the line you will be able to buy reproductions of my art works! That should keep me busy along with my two jobs & family I think

You can find Emma and Darling Dilemma over at

Featured Items

LIME RICKEY rockstar glam necklace set

SWEETHEART romantic quartz necklace

LIFELONG romantic beaded strand

PUNK PINK chunky choker

PEACE LOVE UNDERSTANDING purple blue green necklace

TEAL U R MINE recycled glass necklace

SUNSHINE beaded necklace

PERFECT PACKAGE bow and bead rockstar necklace


Earrings and Bracelet set.
  Bracelet will be custom sized for the winner!

Want a chance to win one of these great prizes? There are two ways to win!
First off you must  "LIKE"  Darling Dilemma on Facebook

1. Leave a comment here on this blog post telling me that you "liked" her page
2. Post a comment on Darling Dilemma's wall telling her your favorite item in her etsy shop

One winner will be selected from comments here on this blog post and another winner will be selected from comments on Darling Dilemma's page!!

We will use to choose the winner's Sunday Feb 13, 12 noon atlantic time. Winner's will be posted here on the blog and will be contacted by Darling Dilemma.

Thank you so much Emma from Darling Dilemma for being this weeks in the Spotlight.

Giveaway is now closed, off to to find us some winners :) Goodluck all!!


Saturday, February 5, 2011

A Lovely Start

In the Spotlight is A Lovely Start. In the shop owner Michelle's words:

"Welcome to A Lovely Start! ...because your baby deserves A Lovey Start!"

Q & A

CC: When and why did you start your business?

     Michelle: After becoming a Mom, I started looking for a creative outlet, something that I could do and take pride in that was mine. I think that is why A lovely Start came to be.
So when I bought my first cloth diaper for my son, I checked out the construction and thought, "I could make this!" And I did! I began sewing for my children, then some friends, and then trades; in November 2008 I received my first custom order through word of mouth. I guess that was the official beginning of A Lovely Start!

CC: Tell us what you envision and dream for the future of your business?
     Michelle: I really want to build and maintain a reputation while the children are still home all day. For now my quantities are not great, but I want to be sure the quality is. It is hard to keep up somedays, but I do what I can. My dream is to really expand and grow once the children are all in school and I have a little more time to sit and really create!

CC: Tell us about some new products you are excited about?
     Michelle: I am really excited about some of the things I have been doing with Upcycled Wool lately! My embellished Footies are a new product I introduced this winter and they have been a hit! I have also upped the bar a bit on my embellished longies. I am very excited about an upcoming stocking of embellished woolies!
I have also been working on a line of slippers and will be releasing those in time for the Fall!

CC: What's your favorite part of your job?
     Michelle: That is a tough one, I love it all! Maybe the best part is when my two year old daughter comes in to "inspect" my latest creations. She gushes over everything, she is my biggest fan!

CC: How does the balance of family and work play out for you?
     Michelle: I have to say, for now, Family is first. It is tough to balance and work happens when the kids are sleeping and the house is caught up... well at least the dishes are done! Good thing I am a night hawk!

CC: Do you have a favorite quote?
     Michelle: "It is better to aim for the stars and miss, than the gutter and hit." Unknown

You can find Michelle and A Lovely Start over at...

Featured Items

Small Upcycled Snap Wrap Super Soft felted Cashmere!

Diaper and soaker set's

Fleece Boxer Briefs

Pail Liners

Upcycled Footie with Embellished Car on bum to match cotton knit car feet. Leather soled for no-slip early walkers.

Upcycled Wool Footies with Embellished Crossover Top, bamboo fitted diaper and knot hat.

Custom "Brobee" fleece set!

 Deluxe Waterproof Change Pads


I am super excited to post this review for a Pail Liner from A Lovely Start. Up until a couple days ago I had 2 children in diapers full time. We have enough diapers to last us so we can wash diaper laundry every other day. For the past 4 years I have just used a 10 gallon pail to hold our diapers between wash’s, but as you can imagine that gets stinky fast and had to be washed out every time I dumped the diapers in the laundry. The pail liner has made a big difference.

The size of the pail liner is great. It fit’s the 10 gallon pail perfectly. It hold’s well over two days worth of diapers from two children. I have been using it for approx 1 month now and I have had no problems with smell. It seems to absorb all the nasty smells even with out using the awesome
bamboo tab for drops of tea tree oil or your favourite essential oil. I wash it right in with my diapers and even dry it in the dryer on high. There has been no problems with leakage and after approx 15 wash’s it still looks brand new. The elastic is still tight and the stitching is perfect.


A Lovely Start is offering 5 of our readers a really great discount on their Pail Liners. Follow this link
To get 25% off. Reg $17 but with discount $12.75 plus shipping. This deal won't last long so hurry and get yours!!